Friday, November 28, 2008

Locations and Costumes for Thriller Opening Sequence

We have decided to use the following locations and costumes;

Location 1 - secluded, shady alley way (at night)
Costume 1 - hoody for main character
Costume 2 - dark clothing & hat for mysterious character

We have also decided to use dark clothing for the shady character to emphasize the mysteriousness of the man. Along with the darkness of the filming, we feel that this will be effective. The hoody that the main character is wearing helps us relate to the time in which the sequence is shot.

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Shot List / Storyboard

Here is a shot list of the different shots used in our thriller opening sequence, 'Paranoia'.

1. Extreme Close-Up of eyes
2. Medium Shot of back of a man
3. Behind the shoulder shot
4. Low angle shot of man walking past
5. High angle shot of man walking past
6. Medium shot of man running
7. Medium shot of man running
8. Close-up of side of mans head
9. POV shot looking at shady character
10. Middle range shot of shady man and main character
11. Over the shoulder shot of the main character
12. Credits, including film title

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